How to Choose a French Bulldog from a Breeder

Dogs are a man’s best friend; those furry little paws are surely something everyone loves. I mean what not to love about them? They are insanely cute and are voraciously loyal; they are the perfect friend to have. For some people, it doesn’t matter what kind or breed of dog they get but others are extremely careful and picky about the species and the breed of the dog they are investing in. Bulldogs, especially French bulldogs, are quite common pets. An ideal French bulldog should be small and compact with large bat-shaped ears along with a thick bone structure. They are usually really playful and easy to get along, this particular feature of Frenchie’s make them ideal for being a pet.

Choosing right French bulldog

French bulldogs can be widely divided into two categories- snow dogs and companions. Snow dogs are a little difficult to get and are costlier as they are higher in demand than pet quality ones.  Before you go ahead and buy one for yourself, ask the breeder if the dog is devoid of any potential genetic conditions. Genetic conditions such as hip dysplasia and patellar luxation are very common in French bulldogs; therefore, be careful that genetic problems were cleared before breeding. It is better to buy from a licensed breeder as they will have better quality dogs.

Before making a purchase you will be shown a room full of puppies and you can choose any one of them. Interact with the puppy you like and see how well it handles human contact. Ask the breeder any queries you have before you purchase it. After you are done with the payment, schedule an appointment with a veterinarian and have your new companion checked.

Here are some helpful tips that will help you choose a Frenchie:

  1. Choose a reputable breeder – It is very important that you choose a good breeder, good and reputable species usually breed the best and give birth to pure blooded puppies. It is better to choose a breeder who is a part of some of the other national breeder clubs. Do some research on the potential breeder you are about to choose and know the kind of puppies they supply. You can also contact some clubs, in this case, a French bulldog club and ask them for recommendations.
  2. Human contact – You will be given tons of options before you make your decision. Not every puppy will react the same to your presence; different pups will have different tolerance levels when it comes to human contact. Ask your breeder to help you out to choose a puppy. Your dealer will be more than happy to help you out. Finally look for the puppy that is most comfortable and friendly around you. A weird and uncomfortable puppy will only add on to the miseries of you and your pet.
  3. Warranty – This is not a fridge or a plasma TV that will be covered by a lifetime warranty, but a reputable dog breeder will give you a warranty depending on your purchase. It is not the breeder’s responsibility if the puppy gets ill soon after the sale for something that the owner does. However, if the root cause of the sickness is some kind of genetic disorder then the dealer is fully liable for the situation. A reputed dog breeder will always clean out a French bulldog from any genetic disorder before breeding and will provide you with a proof of the same.
  4. Registration – A reputable breeder will always provide you with a pug’s pedigree and its registration papers or transfer of ownership papers. If the breeder is unwilling to provide you with papers or certificates it can be assumed that the dog was either illegally bred or was smuggled. Both scenarios can get you in trouble with the law, therefore, it is better to not opt for that.
  5. Physical attributes – A healthy French bulldog can be identified if you take a close look at its physical attributes. Here are some of the things that will help you determine whether the puppy you are about to buy is healthy or not:French bulldog sitting on carpet
  1. Check the puppy’s nose and notice if it closes while it is breathing in and out. Pups can have some problem breathing in early stages and are extremely fragile and difficult to take care of.
  2. Make sure the puppy’s bottom teeth stick out farther than the top teeth in a pronounced undershot.
  3. Check the pup’s gums; if they are pink that is a positive sign of a well-bred puppy.
  4. Gently massage the pug’s head. Look for any soft spots, if you find some it means that those areas are extremely sensitive and it can get seriously hurt if manhandled.
  5. Make sure that the eyes are bright and clear and have no ingrown eyelashes.
  6. Look for crusty spots or ear mites in a puppy’s ears; if the ears are clean that is a clear indication of good health in a pup.
  7. Look for any early signs of any genetic disorder. Hip dyspepsia is a very common genetic condition in puppies and will cost you quite a few bucks to take care of.

After you have got hold of the pup, remember to follow the steps required for proper instruction and care of the pup. Read our posts about frenchies health here.

Keeping a dog is no easier than keeping a baby. It needs constant care and lots of love and attention right after you have bought it. The puppy will also need some time to cope with the new surroundings and be accustomed to you and your family. Be patient and don’t be alarmed if it acts weirdly or uncomfortable for a couple of days. Give it some time. Ask for written instructions on care, feeding, grooming and training of your puppy from the breeder. Follow the instructions word by word, at least for the first couple of days.

Most importantly make sure that you shower your new family member with lots of love and affection.

Thank you for reading articles.

2 thoughts on “How to Choose a French Bulldog from a Breeder

  1. Andrew says:

    What do you mean by snow dog. I have search the net but cannot find the answer. I am in the process of getting a frenchie

  2. Steve says:

    To Andrew above I guessed that they meant Show dog but I could be wrong.

    Also, another couple of things. In some of the article French bulldogs are referred to and in other parts it’s pugs. I guess it was a copied and amended article but parts of it were overlooked.
    One other place I found a little confusing. When you say to look out for a dog’s nose closing or opening when breathing you aren’t very clear as to what is good or bad. Should the nose be closing when breathing or should it stay open all the time? I would think the latter but maybe revise that to clear it up. Otherwise a very useful item to read when deciding on a pup.

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