Having French bulldog behavior problems? You have come to the right place. Ultimate guide to help solve unfriendly behavior, aggression, not listening and barking.
Sometimes Frenchies may have behavioral problems manifested through aggression due to insecurities about their owners, dogs, or other peoples (or animals) intentions towards them. These issues can make Frenchies look less like a playful friend to have, and more like an issue to solve, which is why solving French bulldog behavior problems is very important.
There are common types of French Bulldog behavior problems that may occur. We’re going to look at all of them, and how to solve them.
1. Resource Guarding
It’s usual for dogs to have their favorite toy they can chew on, but when it comes to Frenchies, they can get a little needy and protective about their toys and treats, so when you try to take these things away from them, it’s not rare to see them take a defensive stance towards the things in their possession. There are a few tips that you can use to work on this behavior that is proven to help, but there is one thing that is definitely going to make things WORSE, and that is trying to take away the dog toy or his treat, as a form of punishment on a regular basis.
Treating Resource Guarding:
If your Frenchie is playing with his toy or chewing on its favorite treat, you should let him do that, and not bother him.
Instead of just taking toys away from your Frenchie, you should also hand feed him (at least once a day), so that he can associate your presence with food, instead of bad.
The best way to train your Frenchie is to let go of his toy is to bring something that is the same as, if not even more, rewarding for the dog than the toy itself. You should throw some tasty treats for him to follow and eat. Therefore, you’re training your dog into linking your presence with something good, and you’re making him forget about the toy he’s so connected with.
These are just some of the most usual tips, that work in the training of your Frenchie’s overprotecting resource guarding. Of course, every dog is different, so you will need to improvise to find out what works the best for your pup.
2. French Bulldog Aggression to Other Dogs
Aggression to other dogs is the second-biggest type of behavioral issue that occurs with French bulldog. This problem is very common among Frenchies. And it’s a very common way for many dogs to try and assert their dominance over other, bigger or smaller dogs.
Reasons of Frenchie Aggression:
A Frenchie might feel anxious. Reasons for feeling anxious could be many. Underrated, stressful environment, food quality etc.
Scared of other dogs. Yes, you heard right. Its natural reaction of fear – attacking. It might sound strange, but its metal reaction. Sometimes the best way to win fear is by facing them.
Overprotective of his owner – you. Therefore, Frenchie will go to the distance to try and defend you from other dogs, even if you are not threatened by them.
How to Solve Frenchie Aggression
Dog on dog aggression is often successfully trained and treated by a professional trainer, similar to the resource guarding issue. There are cases when our little Frenchie has problems with other dogs. She gets aggressive, and she doesn’t like if others coming too close to her or us – owners. Even with other Frenchies, she gets aggressive. There are only few dogs in our neighborhood which she is friends with.
How to stop French bulldog Aggresion to other dogs
By training technique. Keep control of your Frenchie. Feel his energy. Move away and give some time. Let your dog chill and cool down a bit.
Focus Attention To Other Things
Focus your dog attention to any other thing except other dog. For example, toy or snack. At the beginning, hi will pay less attention to you, but don’t stop and try to get his attention. Best would be a game with toy or wood stick. Frenchie have to start to trust you and focus on you. Allow your Frenchie to have a stick in the mouth and walk around. He has what he wants and is less nervous.
Be Pattient
Some minutes later, you will notice that Frenchie is less aggressive and stressed. He will start to be relaxed and focus on owner’s reactions, next moves.
Start Socialize
When your Frenchie is ready – the important thing that you can do is to slowly socialize Frenchie. This means that your Frenchie should engage in social interactions with other dogs and people as much as possible, which will, in the long run, make him more connected to others, instead of his toys, and will definitely help his aggression towards other dogs. But remember not to rush, you have to see and feel that Frenchie is ready for some socialization.
Look For Things That Triggers Agression
Look for the things that trigger your dog aggression, and eliminate them. If your Frenchie feels scared or nervous around bigger dogs, then take him for walks to places where there are no bigger and scarier dogs. If your dog doesn’t like sharing his food, feed him separately from other dogs. Whatever the thing is that makes your dog aggressive towards other dogs look for a way to eliminate it from your dog’s life until your dog is successfully trained to deal with these kinds of stuff.
Reward Good Attitude
Learn to reward your French bulldog whenever he successfully engages in an interaction with other canines. Whether it’s a situation where your Frenchie sees a big dog and doesn’t get scared or aggressive, or overprotective of you when there is no need, don’t forget to reward him with a tasty treat. This way, he will associate both your presence and acting calm around other dogs as a good, rewarding habit, so it’s really a win-win situation for everybody.
Here is visual material of how to train your Frenchie not being aggressive to other dogs:
Alternative Aggression Solution:
Example of how muzzle looks on French bulldog
Muzzle. For a good start, you can get a Frenchie muzzle to protect others and your own dog.
Common French Bulldog behavior problem – Not Listening. Sometimes when you think they don’t hear you, actually they hear you, but they just don’t want to. It’s important to train your pup from early days to commands.
How to deal “Not Listening” problem:
Take part in dog training courses
Practice basic commands. By using body commands. For example: Put your hand up when you have a treat in your hand, and you request a Frenchie to sit
Repeat your commands in specific moments
Be patience and calm to your Frenchie
Use Ultrasound whistle or treats to have attention from Frenchie
If you are looking for income opportunities and love dogs, consider dog handler job. There are some good jobs listed on Jooble.
4. Separation Anxiety
Separation anxiety is one of the most popular behavior problems among French bulldogs. Frenchies very attach to their humans, so it’s hard for them to be an alone for some time.
Common Symptoms for Frenchies Separation Anxiety:
Eating their poop
Chewing staff
How to Solve Separation Anxiety:
Frenchies owner has to be more present to his pap
Teach dog bad things become good. This step could be better done with a professional dog trainer.
Read our detailed article about Frenchies separation anxiety here.
5. Follower Behavior
Remember: French bulldogs are one of those social breeds that loves to hang around together. Not only with humans, but also with other dogs. They are very social creatures.
Reasons of “Follower Behavior”:
The first reason is imprinting. Dog sees you as a trusted object. Like parent for him. He feels safe by your side and follows everywhere you go. This usually happens when the puppy is 3 – 12 weeks old.
A second reason might be reinforcement. Frenchie associate you with good things like safety, food, fun activities etc.
Breed traits as third reason. Frenchies are a good example of a breed. For generations, French bulldogs were bred by humans, and always stuck together. These breeds are also called “Velcro dog“.
Fourth reason – companionship. Some dogs just like to spend more time with humans rather than other dogs or alone.
Small, but there is a chance that the French bulldog has emotional or physical distress. Symptom: If your Frenchie follows everywhere you go, then it’s something familiar to separation anxiety. It might be hard to recognize normal following behavior and problematic behavior.
How to Solve “Follower Behavior”:
how to solve Frenchie “Follower Behavior”
Usually Frenchie left alone when we go to work, school, market etc. And there are environments where we don’t want to take the dog with us. So at that point Frenchie has to stay alone home. If it is a case when you want your Frenchie to be more self-sufficient or left alone, here are some steps:
Point of Reference
Be calm, the dog feels your energy. Teach your dog that following or leaving you is not a bad thing. Ask him to stay, go way and return. After returning – give a snack as a reward for waiting. From time to time change places of practice in your house. Frenchie will reference that place with stay = good (I will get a treat). Stay calm while training. Reference will be not just about snack but also about calm mood during waiting period. How long it takes to practice this? Well Frenchies are stubborn, it may take 20 or 30 times, but it is doable. Remember: Don’t call him while you are teaching separation. Reward is waiting and calmness.
Build Trust
Leave Frenchie calm and slow while training. Build trustwith each other (team-up). Frenchie will start to understand that you are giving him a task. The task will make you (owner) happy and the dog will be happy by seeing you again add getting a treat.
Train your Frenchie separation daily. Make him feel it natural – usual. Like daily activity. A task which will be rewarded.
6. Begging
If your Frenchie is begging, then probably the problem is the owner. Sometimes French Bulldog behavior problems causes owner. But not in bad ways. How can we do good if we don’t know how. For example, if your Frenchie begs while you eat, and you give something to him – hi understands that begging is the way to get something from a human.
How to Stop French bulldog Begging:
Ignore – don’t pay attention! But be patient, it may take some time while Frenchie will understand.
7. Barking
Barking is something similar to begging because the dog tries to express his feelings. But this time it could mean a lot more health problems. French bulldog breed is not popular in barkers. That’s why, try to pay attention.
Why Frenchies Barking:
Distress and Anxiety. Yes, you heard it right – Frenchie express his distress by barking
Attention seeking
Barking at alarm
French Bulldog Barking Treatment:
how to treat french bulldog barking
Getting Proper Exercise
Your Frenchie might signal that he has a lot of energy, excitement or frustration. Long walks will help to reduce energy and will make calm down.
Take Attention Off
You have to take Frenchies attention from where ever it he is barking on – to owner – you. To make this happen, you have to have powerful tools. Best would be snacks (treats) or toys. Get attention of when Frenchie barks and give snack as reword. Our Frenchie loves laser. When ever she sees the laser pointer, her attention is 100% on and nothing else matters.
Be Patient
It takes some time to build a relationship with your dog and teaching him that barking is not good. But don’t worry, it will get better and better each training time.
Alternative: Anti-Barking device
Another solution is to get an anti-barking device. Probably not the most advised solution, but still effective. We truly advise you to try simple training tips before using anti-barking devices. Anti-barking device is a simple technique, but less friendly to the dog.
8. Chewing
When your Frenchie is young, it is only natural to chew bones or humans clothing. That’s because their teeth are growing and itching. They are seeking for something to chew. After they grow up, it’s their natural habit to chew. Dogs relief stress by chewing. But sometimes they try to pay owners’ attention.
Reasons Why Frenchies Chew:
Lack of Exercises
Separation Anxiety
Solution for Chewing:
how to stop french bulldog chew things
No one likes chewed shoes or ruined coach. That is why we have to train a bit of our Frenchies to stop chewing everything in the house. Follow these steps to stop Frenchie chewing unwanted things:
Supervise your Dog
If you have a time to follow him to see what is he looking to chew.
Get Attention Away
If your Frenchie chewing something he shouldn’t, the Next step is get attention away. Call him, give a treat (if you don’t have any, don’t worry) and then alternative chewing object – toy. So that he starts to understand which is allowed and preferred to chew.
There are so many chewing toys on the market. But we advise being very carefully because some toys are bad quality or can harm your dogs’ health. For example, broke teeth or plastic parts can be swallowed.
It’s better to choose tested and good quality chewing toys rather than end up in a veterinary visit. Our listed chewing toy will fit good for your French bulldog. Its durable, fits for aggressive chewers and has flavor to have Frenchies attention. Here are some reviews from other Frenchie owners:
If you still don’t feel comfortable buying chewing toys on the internet, visit your local veterinary – they will advise which toy would fit best.
9. Rough Playing
Historically, French bulldogs come from fight dogs, that’s why when you see two Frenchies playing you may think they are fighting. But they are not. Frenchies have to socialize with other dogs to have some play time. It’s important for them to understand that human is not a French bulldog.
Reasons Why Frenchies Play Rough:
Dominate over other dog or human
Learned from other dogs being rough
Too much excitement
There is, of course, a difference in all dogs, the same as humans, so you will need to be patient with your Frenchie, as the training process can take up to a few weeks, months, or even years.
Solution to Rough Playing:
how to stop french bulldog rough playing
Use Toys Instead of Hands
Sometimes humans (owners) influence dogs by wrong manner of behavior. Playing with arms in not the way to go. You should use toys while playing instead of hands. To prevent the puppy from growing into a rough player, you must forget about aggressive “war style” playing. Play gentile with toys and use one at the time. If a Frenchie has too many toys, it may begin to hoard them in a safe place in order to feel more confident and powerful.
Use Commands
Rough playing can make Frenchie feel stressed. After such event, let him cool down for 5 – 10 minutes. Command him to sit or go to his place to calm the situation down.
Consider Neutering
Playing is a way of showing dominance over other dog, human or toy. Neutering your Frenchie can help reduce some of these impulses (hormones). Make Frenchie easier to manage and docile. If your Frenchie has a history of showing a lot of aggression toward people or animals, it is a good thing to consider.
Prevent Rough Playing
Stopping incidents before they started is another good solution for rough playing. If you see that your dogs starts to bark, lean forward or gets overwhelmed, that is a sign for stopping before started. Show him a snack, command to stop. Get his attention off before rough playing starts.
We have to be careful because rough play can sometimes end badly. Especially if big and small dog is playing. It’s no joke if one or another dog gets too rough.
As you can see French bulldogs have some behavior problems. Sometimes those problems are genetic, sometimes we don’t take enough care, or we just don’t know the best approach. Nevertheless, don’t worry. Everything is fixable, even if it takes some time. We are very thankful for helping us and if you have any questions please leave in comment section.
We have humanized these Frenchies too much and they don’t know their role. I watched a lot of Cesar Milan and he helped understand I was causing my Frenchies Bad behavior! Watch training professionals (Cesar is the BEST) and be consistent with your training.
Hi! We have a 1.5-year-old intact male who has become more aggressive in the last few weeks. He began growling on our bed and growling at others when he feels as if he’s being dominated. Do you have any trainer recommendations in the Chicago area to help with resource guarding and aggression?
I franchise is 11 months old and is pulling up all our shrubs by the roots. 9 shrubs already. Will this stop?
Kim says:
Wow!! Yet another one..I have problems too and its called correcting the problem. The dogs are not bad , but they need humans they don’t give up so easily.PLEASE ALL OF U DO ME A FAVOUR..IF U CAN’T COMMIT TO OWNING AN ANIMAL ” DON’T GET ONE” SHAME ON ALL OF U
I have a one year okd male- he barks and lunges at us every night ( sometimes during the day too) nothing has worked to stop the behavior. He has been trained, tried second round and they told me its behavior issue- teied ignoring, positive response, quiet command, leaving the room, telli g him no!, yelling at him- nothing and I mean nothi g has worked. Comsidering returning to breeder but I really dont want to. The barking lunging and biting has to stop! Suggestions??
Maybe the dog would b happier workout a piece of human saying Your getting rid of the dog!! Shame on u for not working with the behavior. Wow! I bet the dog wishes u would go away too
Hi all! I have an almost 2year old very energetic female Frenchie! Two problems are barking- bikes, people walking past my windows, other dogs sometimes and 2. aggression but the aggression is not from her it’s from other dogs towards her which makes me think is she giving off a weird doggo vibe to other dogs lol. Some dogs are fine with her, some will have a pop at her as soon as they get close enough ( I keep her on her lead unless it’s only dogs around she knows and I know that are ok with her ) . Any tips for the barking? And anything as to why other dogs don’t like her lol
Hi Jade,
I have to say that barking and attacking other dogs was nothing unusual for our Frenchie. But I started to notice that she behaves so in cases when she feels stressed. Stress comes from environment (place frenchie lives), owners and even food.
I would suggest you to try calming treats. And check reactions. You must go thru testing phases to find our real reason.
Best wishes and good luck.
Hi my 8 month old frenchie keeps barking everytime we let her in the garden. We ave tried all the different training methods with her but she stll dose not listen to us. She is good has gold inside the house its just outside she is a nuisance
We have recently moved ,we have a lab.12 and frenchbulldog nearly 3,lots of dogs around our new neighbourhood that also always bark at my frenchie,he goes mad barking back at them,in the house started following me room to room,and this week itried to look at his paw that he was cleaning he turned agrssive never done before,then to my husband today that touched him has a caress while he slept snarled agressively this has never happened before.
Hi have two female frenchies 7 and 4 and just got a 1 year old male. One female is fine and the male is a soppy as they come. The other female is not so good lip smaking and then attacking. What can I do to stop this
I have a 6 month old French bulldog he keeps jumping up and biting specially when other people come in to the house. My grandchildren get upset by it. What advice do you give?
My french bulldog is 1 year old female spayed. In the last 3 months she been very bratty. She bites me and my wife. Also barks and lunging towards us. There will be times where she will be sleeping for like 10 mins and wake up and walk towards my wife and bite her for no reason. Me and my wife decided we are going to give her back to the breeder. We cant handle her anymore especially with our work schedules
Have to stop this now as you dont want an adult that is biting children and company. What worked for me is to immediately remove the dog and crate her in a time out for a few minutes. She no longer bites or jumps on guests.
Hi i have a 14month old french male bulldog, he is so loving, but when people come to the house or we go near people out he starts barking and getting really aggressive he fine with other dogs just people xx
Hi I have a female Frenchie that is almost 3. I have INSANE issues with her. I CANNOT have visitors because she loses her mind. She would bite them til they leave HARDDDD! Please let me know what kind of answers you get
My Frenchie is highly protective of me. This is only apparent when we are in the house and somebody comes in, he becomes aggressive towards them and generally bites their feet. I really do not now how to best deal with this. Currently what I do is get on the ground with him, I have to hold his collar, and I talk to him telling him it’s ok. But this doesn’t seem to do anything to reassure him. He is 14 months old. Could anyone advise me on dealing with this please? Thank you.
From my knowledge, in this instance, your dog does not require you reassurance but rather your dominance/assertiveness. You need to tell him that you decide who can come in and he needs to follow your lead. Getting on the ground with him may be seen more by him as joining in with him. I would suggest you sternly tell him to stop and/or remove him from the room for a couple of minutes. From watching hours and hours of Cesar, it is not that he is protecting you, it is that he is acting like the boss…. and you should be the boss – be the pack leader!!
I have a beautiful blue/brown Frenchie. He is 1 1/2 years old, and abou9t 45 pounds of muscle. I expected him to be gentle and sweet as portrayed on most videos, etc. He is a sweet and loving dog me and other people whom he grew up with, and with the cats he grew up with, but he is not so sweet to the 3 Pekingese’s he grew up with or any other dog! I am so afraid of his aggressiveness toward the smaller dogs that we now live in a kennel…with gates in every door way of our house. It is my own fault, because I mixed two breeds that simply do not go together, but my surprise is his aggressiveness toward dogs in general. I love this boy and give him a good home but it is a difficult and stressful situation. People should educate themselves before brining a dog into their home. Apparently, I did not do a good enough job on educating myself.
Help! My six year old Male frenchie has been kicked out of two boarding facilities for biting and has bitten a couple family visitors. He is calm and well behaved with our immediate family, but once he is boarded or around new people, he becomes a bite hazard. We’re considering turning him in to the SPCA but he’s a family member and our children are urging us to try something else to help him. Any suggestions?
Instead of taking him to boarding facilities or sending him away on his own take him to behaviour classes along with yourself. That way you’ll feel more confident with your dog and then it will be reciprocated, you can even take your children along with you. also consider getting a small crate for him for when people visit. He will learn that after a few times hes locked in there for a short amount of time he should learn to stop attacking. If he hasnt been get him neutered, he will have too many hormones racing round his body and no way to expend them nor a female to mate with. Mine also likes to growl and get aggressive around food, this can also be fixed by hand feeding them. I really hope it works out for you.
My frenchies (mated pair) had 6 puppies; 3 boys and 3 girls. The puppies are about 1year old, and all in are homes. My pair are great. 5 out of 6 puppies are doing great with no issues, one male is having some aggression issues. His owners reported scratches, growling, barking, lungeing, not sure about actual biting but it is bad. They have 3 young boys (11) and he aggressively plays with them. They have had Boxers in the past so high energy should be not surprising. I am not sure what to say to help them … other than train and socialize but in the mean while… any advice?
I have a beautiful, muscular 30 pound 1 year old male male tri blue frenchie. He is a Hungarian import. The breeder that imported him was planning on incorporating him into her breeding program, but decided not to so was rehomong him on the internet, and this is how he came to us at 7 1/2 months old. Soon after getting him he became food and treat aggressive. He is also aggressive to our 9 year old malti poo, once even biting him on the nose for passing closely while he was eating a treat. He is also aggressive to other male dogs but seems ok with females. We did heave him neutered. He growls and snaps when touched if eating or if he does not want to be moved if hes resting or sleeping. He has been in a two week board and train and I have continued his training. He has improved behavior wise, but not aggression wise. With that, said, I also want to say that this is not the dog I expected, but its the one I got and I wont ever give up on him. Instead, I will continue his training, corrections , socialization and love him for what he is. And please stop using the words “get rid of” Those words make me cringe every time. Take into consideration what your dog will go through because you were not strong enough to deal with the unexpected. People never fail to disappoint..
I 100% agree with this comment. I am a frenchie owner to an extremely spoiled 4yr /male love-bug. He is my absolute heart but has definitely come with just about every problem listed. I think many people decide on adding a frenchie to their family without really knowing all that they should about the breed. This is definitely a different breed, one that does not do well being left alone for extended periods of time especially on a daily basis. They are very much like children, more so than any other breed I’ve had or known of. My experience has been lots of time, patience and consistency are all key. You must be all in and willing to do the work.
I have a 9 month old male Frenchie. He is generally a pretty good boy. He recently has been so good aggressive towards our golden and attacks his face of good is around or even now if I am showing attention to the golden and not him . We have spilt up where they eat and taken treats away. We are looking to hire a trainer for him but wanted some helpful suggestions to do so before. Our golden is the sweetest boy and wouldn’t hurt a fly so I feel so bad when he gets attacked for doing nothing. Help!
My 7 year old frenchie boy is perfect, until I go out certain doors. i.e. the laundry door. He barks and does circles on his back legs to get out. He also pushes at the door. Once out he runs back to me and gets aggressive and tries to bite the clothes in the basket or the door. I’m at a loss! He’s just about perfect otherwise.
Wow! It’s somewhat comforting to read that others have similar problems with their male Frenchies. We got our Bryce when he was two years old after my daughter who raised him passed away. Bryce is precious to us but he is difficult. Most of the time he’s a little clown and a darling, but in the kitchen, especially when we are preparing dinner, he gets very aggressive, especially towards my adult son and my husband. I have learned to put him in “The bad boy room” (bathroom) with his dinner until we all sit down with ours. He’s fine after that. Also, sometimes for no apparent reason, he will attack my son and my husband. He rarely ever growls at me. He’s been to several training classes and knows his commands, all except “come”. He plays games with that. He has actually bitten my son and husband a couple of times. I have wondered if perhaps my daughter’s boyfriend, whom we didn’t like, may have abused him. In any case, it’s very stressful living with him at times. He’s now eight. We wonder if we can do anything else but stick him in the bathroom.
My Frenchie has the exact same behavioural issues as yours! Identical. I have four Almost grown sons and a husband. Food aggression when cooking, check. Nipping, the boys only never me, for no reason that I can understand, check.
My 1.8 year old frenchies doesn’t stop running on closed circles. He can do it for more than an hour.
Ive tried everything to stop him from it.
Has anyone experienced the same?
Our frenchie does the same. She even does it in bed :D. We are use to it. Sometimes we get angry to her about something, but she thinks that its a game a running circles around as like crazy!
My frenchie will pull and bark/squeal to get to other dogs and people. He’s rarely aggressive but he does this to try to get to them (possibly for attention). Any suggestions on how to correct? We’ve done private lessons twice.
My Frenchie is almost 2 years old and is spayed. She is a very strong little dog, kind of looks like she is on steroids with all of her rippling little muscles, and she plays very aggressively. She cuddles up with me all night long, and is very sweet and loving unless she sees another dog or any little animal. She goes crazy and barks and appears to be panicking. I wish I could take her to the dog parks, but, alas I am too afraid. Last summer, I took her to a dog park and she got herself so worked up that she was hyperventilating. No more dog parks. I wish there was something that would help her calm down when she sees a squirrel, dog, rabbit, bird…..I have just come to accept that is not a good thing for her and love her as she is.
hello. I’m hopping you might have some tips. I have a 5 year old female american bulldog who behaves perfectly at home and is entirely submissive to me / lives to please (she hates being told off). I rescued an 18 month of female frenchie 6 weeks ago. She had recently been spayed. The dogs play together which is great. My bullie is SO gentle – she submits and does not bite at all. My frenchie, however, is becoming more and more aggressive. There are two issues I see – 1) my bullie can see that I have accepted the frenchie and she knows I’m in charge – so she does not put the frenchie in her place (i.e. stop her when she gets too rough) and 2) because my bullie does not prevent rough play, the frenchie is getting more rough. Currently, my bullie has a number of wounds on her face and legs where the frenchie bites her hard enough to properly draw blood (she’s also sprained her leg where she tries to get out of the little one’s way and not hurt her).
I’m not sure how to stop the frenchie from being rough without stopping play and/or upsetting the bullie – if I raise my voice to the frenchie the bullie thinks she’s being told off..
Any ideas????? Thank you!
Hi there! I have two male french bulldogs- a 5.5 year old and 6 month old. They’re both very sweet, loving dogs and get along fantastically. Over the past year, our older frenchie has become more aggressive during play. We think he’s trying to protect us and gets over stimulated when interacting with other dogs. His behavior manifests as aggression and he resorts to obsessive chasing, lunging / snapping, ankle biting and humping (note: he’s neutered and the latter is out of the norm for him). This does not occur in all dog-related interactions- sometimes he’s totally fine and has no issues. It seems like the addition of a puppy has increased his aggression towards other dogs. We continue to try to socialize him and use positively reinforcement, however we are not having much success as the behaviors persist and are escalating. Has anyone had a similar experience or have advice? Thank you!
My 4 month old frenchie will growl and bark aggressively to others while I’m holding him. (only when I’m holding him). He doesn’t want anyone approaching me. If he’s laying by me on the couch, he will do this anytime someone comes close to me.
My husband and I are having slight aggression issues with our 13 week old. He is the best boy 99% of the time, but occasionally he gets really aggressive towards us. It started with trying to put a collar on him but then we noticed it a few times when we corrected him when he was doing something wrong. He growls and tries to bite, and you can tell it’s not play! He also does it at the vet, for his vaccines.. this I can understand that more seeing as it hurts him. Any insight would be helpful on how to stop this behavior!
Positive reinforcement works wonders! When he behaves well talk to him in the “baby talk” voice and tell him he’s a good boy and maybe even a small treat. If you cheer him on when he behaves well, he will want to keep doing it
My frenchie is 14 weeks…he was also being aggressive. Growling and biting us when he had something he shouldn’t or when he was over excited and couldn’t calm down. We started doing exactly this, keeping him on a leash in the house ( easy to pull back and correct and it makes him feel less in control) and we also spray 1 time with water when he won’t stop biting after telling him verbally no bite and he won’t stop. He stops immediately when sprayed with water. He isn’t 100% better, but has come very far and we are continuing to keep him leashed.
At 13 weeks you don’t have a problem dog the problem is you go take a class or read a book on how to train a pup before the dog gets older with no direction or discipline it happens all the time the dog always gets the bad rap when it’s the owners fault
It’s called the French attitude!! My dad just got kicked out of the vet with his puppy because of it. Lol. He thinks he’s the boss you need to show him he isn’t. When he does that put him on his back using slight force if necessary because that’s there vulnerable and I give up position and they know you have power over them if they unwillingly get there. Remember dogs are usually in packs and there has to be a leader. You don’t want the dog leading trust me. If you do that fast and don’t let them get up or keep being aggressive he should stop right away and realize who’s the boss. But yes frenchies all have a little attitude in them. There a special little breed.
Honestly at 13 weeks I wouldn’t even call it aggression. Give it some time. He is just a baby. Be patient. Work with him. Give him positive reinforcement.
He’s a baby and as any little one does will try and push his luck. This behaviour is perfectly normal, you just have to stand your ground with him and let him know when he.s not being good. Sometimes raising your voice a bit and saying no or stop is all it takes and will eventually sink in, or even treats when he is good. Wait till he starts teething and biteing everything.
Remember a dog is part of a pack…… there is one leader in a pack….. he’s trying to be that leader. Here’s how we fixed the leader issue with one of our girls ……. When it happens….. roll him on his back hold him down(gently!!!!!) and Growl and growl close to his face. Then let him up and you walk away. Repeat it as necessary. You become the leader! Have a great day,
I would leave his collar on him so he gets used to it. Also keep a lead on him for the time being even in the house and keep him with you. Hold the leash so he does not have free roaming privileges in the house and he understands that you are mom and dad and he needs to listen. When he growls or tries to bite sprtiz him with a little water. This will hopefully surprise him and snap him out of that behavior. When it does stop praise him a lot and tell him what a good boy he is.
Use a harness not a collar. Positive reinforcement of good behavior rather than only trying to discipline him when he’s “bad”. He’s a puppy he has tons of energy so play with him. Being aggressive isn’t a bad thing you just need to shift it in a better direction.
My 3 years old female Frenchie “Baby” has two issues…she constantly licks her front legs obsessively when she pouts about something. Also will bully my chihuahua (who is very quiet and older) causing my chi to stand up to her?
Hi , I’m struggling with the dog aggression out on walks
Do you have any trainers that can help
Where are you from? Maybe some of our readers might advise
We have humanized these Frenchies too much and they don’t know their role. I watched a lot of Cesar Milan and he helped understand I was causing my Frenchies Bad behavior! Watch training professionals (Cesar is the BEST) and be consistent with your training.
Hi! We have a 1.5-year-old intact male who has become more aggressive in the last few weeks. He began growling on our bed and growling at others when he feels as if he’s being dominated. Do you have any trainer recommendations in the Chicago area to help with resource guarding and aggression?
i have the same issue and i am considering getting rid him
yea i considered giving mine frenchie back to the breeder. Shes been biting my wife and barking in our faces when she doesnt get stuff her way
I found that when frenchies go on their hind legs bark and try to bite you they actually want to go outside and poop or urinate.
My frenchie is 15 months and stared to bite our older Rottie lab seemingly for no reason what can I do to stop this behaviour
I franchise is 11 months old and is pulling up all our shrubs by the roots. 9 shrubs already. Will this stop?
Wow!! Yet another one..I have problems too and its called correcting the problem. The dogs are not bad , but they need humans they don’t give up so easily.PLEASE ALL OF U DO ME A FAVOUR..IF U CAN’T COMMIT TO OWNING AN ANIMAL ” DON’T GET ONE” SHAME ON ALL OF U
good advise people want a unicorn
I have a one year okd male- he barks and lunges at us every night ( sometimes during the day too) nothing has worked to stop the behavior. He has been trained, tried second round and they told me its behavior issue- teied ignoring, positive response, quiet command, leaving the room, telli g him no!, yelling at him- nothing and I mean nothi g has worked. Comsidering returning to breeder but I really dont want to. The barking lunging and biting has to stop! Suggestions??
Maybe the dog would b happier workout a piece of human saying Your getting rid of the dog!! Shame on u for not working with the behavior. Wow! I bet the dog wishes u would go away too
My 6 month old French bulldog is now attacking my mother in laws cockerpoo which a fox Male is she in season or is it another reason for her behaviour
Hi all! I have an almost 2year old very energetic female Frenchie! Two problems are barking- bikes, people walking past my windows, other dogs sometimes and 2. aggression but the aggression is not from her it’s from other dogs towards her which makes me think is she giving off a weird doggo vibe to other dogs lol. Some dogs are fine with her, some will have a pop at her as soon as they get close enough ( I keep her on her lead unless it’s only dogs around she knows and I know that are ok with her ) . Any tips for the barking? And anything as to why other dogs don’t like her lol
Hi Jade,
I have to say that barking and attacking other dogs was nothing unusual for our Frenchie. But I started to notice that she behaves so in cases when she feels stressed. Stress comes from environment (place frenchie lives), owners and even food.
I would suggest you to try calming treats. And check reactions. You must go thru testing phases to find our real reason.
Best wishes and good luck.
Hi my 8 month old frenchie keeps barking everytime we let her in the garden. We ave tried all the different training methods with her but she stll dose not listen to us. She is good has gold inside the house its just outside she is a nuisance
We have recently moved ,we have a lab.12 and frenchbulldog nearly 3,lots of dogs around our new neighbourhood that also always bark at my frenchie,he goes mad barking back at them,in the house started following me room to room,and this week itried to look at his paw that he was cleaning he turned agrssive never done before,then to my husband today that touched him has a caress while he slept snarled agressively this has never happened before.
Hi have two female frenchies 7 and 4 and just got a 1 year old male. One female is fine and the male is a soppy as they come. The other female is not so good lip smaking and then attacking. What can I do to stop this
I have a 6 month old French bulldog he keeps jumping up and biting specially when other people come in to the house. My grandchildren get upset by it. What advice do you give?
My french bulldog is 1 year old female spayed. In the last 3 months she been very bratty. She bites me and my wife. Also barks and lunging towards us. There will be times where she will be sleeping for like 10 mins and wake up and walk towards my wife and bite her for no reason. Me and my wife decided we are going to give her back to the breeder. We cant handle her anymore especially with our work schedules
Have to stop this now as you dont want an adult that is biting children and company. What worked for me is to immediately remove the dog and crate her in a time out for a few minutes. She no longer bites or jumps on guests.
Hi i have a 14month old french male bulldog, he is so loving, but when people come to the house or we go near people out he starts barking and getting really aggressive he fine with other dogs just people xx
Hi I have a female Frenchie that is almost 3. I have INSANE issues with her. I CANNOT have visitors because she loses her mind. She would bite them til they leave HARDDDD! Please let me know what kind of answers you get
When my french bulldog is not allowed to come with me he urinates in the nearest thing which could be a pile of washing or a curtain what can I do
My Frenchie is highly protective of me. This is only apparent when we are in the house and somebody comes in, he becomes aggressive towards them and generally bites their feet. I really do not now how to best deal with this. Currently what I do is get on the ground with him, I have to hold his collar, and I talk to him telling him it’s ok. But this doesn’t seem to do anything to reassure him. He is 14 months old. Could anyone advise me on dealing with this please? Thank you.
Did you receive any answer to this question? My 6 month old female displays the same behaviour.
From my knowledge, in this instance, your dog does not require you reassurance but rather your dominance/assertiveness. You need to tell him that you decide who can come in and he needs to follow your lead. Getting on the ground with him may be seen more by him as joining in with him. I would suggest you sternly tell him to stop and/or remove him from the room for a couple of minutes. From watching hours and hours of Cesar, it is not that he is protecting you, it is that he is acting like the boss…. and you should be the boss – be the pack leader!!
I have a beautiful blue/brown Frenchie. He is 1 1/2 years old, and abou9t 45 pounds of muscle. I expected him to be gentle and sweet as portrayed on most videos, etc. He is a sweet and loving dog me and other people whom he grew up with, and with the cats he grew up with, but he is not so sweet to the 3 Pekingese’s he grew up with or any other dog! I am so afraid of his aggressiveness toward the smaller dogs that we now live in a kennel…with gates in every door way of our house. It is my own fault, because I mixed two breeds that simply do not go together, but my surprise is his aggressiveness toward dogs in general. I love this boy and give him a good home but it is a difficult and stressful situation. People should educate themselves before brining a dog into their home. Apparently, I did not do a good enough job on educating myself.
Help! My six year old Male frenchie has been kicked out of two boarding facilities for biting and has bitten a couple family visitors. He is calm and well behaved with our immediate family, but once he is boarded or around new people, he becomes a bite hazard. We’re considering turning him in to the SPCA but he’s a family member and our children are urging us to try something else to help him. Any suggestions?
Instead of taking him to boarding facilities or sending him away on his own take him to behaviour classes along with yourself. That way you’ll feel more confident with your dog and then it will be reciprocated, you can even take your children along with you. also consider getting a small crate for him for when people visit. He will learn that after a few times hes locked in there for a short amount of time he should learn to stop attacking. If he hasnt been get him neutered, he will have too many hormones racing round his body and no way to expend them nor a female to mate with. Mine also likes to growl and get aggressive around food, this can also be fixed by hand feeding them. I really hope it works out for you.
My frenchies (mated pair) had 6 puppies; 3 boys and 3 girls. The puppies are about 1year old, and all in are homes. My pair are great. 5 out of 6 puppies are doing great with no issues, one male is having some aggression issues. His owners reported scratches, growling, barking, lungeing, not sure about actual biting but it is bad. They have 3 young boys (11) and he aggressively plays with them. They have had Boxers in the past so high energy should be not surprising. I am not sure what to say to help them … other than train and socialize but in the mean while… any advice?
I have a beautiful, muscular 30 pound 1 year old male male tri blue frenchie. He is a Hungarian import. The breeder that imported him was planning on incorporating him into her breeding program, but decided not to so was rehomong him on the internet, and this is how he came to us at 7 1/2 months old. Soon after getting him he became food and treat aggressive. He is also aggressive to our 9 year old malti poo, once even biting him on the nose for passing closely while he was eating a treat. He is also aggressive to other male dogs but seems ok with females. We did heave him neutered. He growls and snaps when touched if eating or if he does not want to be moved if hes resting or sleeping. He has been in a two week board and train and I have continued his training. He has improved behavior wise, but not aggression wise. With that, said, I also want to say that this is not the dog I expected, but its the one I got and I wont ever give up on him. Instead, I will continue his training, corrections , socialization and love him for what he is. And please stop using the words “get rid of” Those words make me cringe every time. Take into consideration what your dog will go through because you were not strong enough to deal with the unexpected. People never fail to disappoint..
I 100% agree with this comment. I am a frenchie owner to an extremely spoiled 4yr /male love-bug. He is my absolute heart but has definitely come with just about every problem listed. I think many people decide on adding a frenchie to their family without really knowing all that they should about the breed. This is definitely a different breed, one that does not do well being left alone for extended periods of time especially on a daily basis. They are very much like children, more so than any other breed I’ve had or known of. My experience has been lots of time, patience and consistency are all key. You must be all in and willing to do the work.
I have a 9 month old male Frenchie. He is generally a pretty good boy. He recently has been so good aggressive towards our golden and attacks his face of good is around or even now if I am showing attention to the golden and not him . We have spilt up where they eat and taken treats away. We are looking to hire a trainer for him but wanted some helpful suggestions to do so before. Our golden is the sweetest boy and wouldn’t hurt a fly so I feel so bad when he gets attacked for doing nothing. Help!
My 7 year old frenchie boy is perfect, until I go out certain doors. i.e. the laundry door. He barks and does circles on his back legs to get out. He also pushes at the door. Once out he runs back to me and gets aggressive and tries to bite the clothes in the basket or the door. I’m at a loss! He’s just about perfect otherwise.
Wow! It’s somewhat comforting to read that others have similar problems with their male Frenchies. We got our Bryce when he was two years old after my daughter who raised him passed away. Bryce is precious to us but he is difficult. Most of the time he’s a little clown and a darling, but in the kitchen, especially when we are preparing dinner, he gets very aggressive, especially towards my adult son and my husband. I have learned to put him in “The bad boy room” (bathroom) with his dinner until we all sit down with ours. He’s fine after that. Also, sometimes for no apparent reason, he will attack my son and my husband. He rarely ever growls at me. He’s been to several training classes and knows his commands, all except “come”. He plays games with that. He has actually bitten my son and husband a couple of times. I have wondered if perhaps my daughter’s boyfriend, whom we didn’t like, may have abused him. In any case, it’s very stressful living with him at times. He’s now eight. We wonder if we can do anything else but stick him in the bathroom.
My Frenchie has the exact same behavioural issues as yours! Identical. I have four Almost grown sons and a husband. Food aggression when cooking, check. Nipping, the boys only never me, for no reason that I can understand, check.
Did you come up with any solutions?
My 1.8 year old frenchies doesn’t stop running on closed circles. He can do it for more than an hour.
Ive tried everything to stop him from it.
Has anyone experienced the same?
Our frenchie does the same. She even does it in bed :D. We are use to it. Sometimes we get angry to her about something, but she thinks that its a game a running circles around as like crazy!
My frenchie will pull and bark/squeal to get to other dogs and people. He’s rarely aggressive but he does this to try to get to them (possibly for attention). Any suggestions on how to correct? We’ve done private lessons twice.
My Frenchie is almost 2 years old and is spayed. She is a very strong little dog, kind of looks like she is on steroids with all of her rippling little muscles, and she plays very aggressively. She cuddles up with me all night long, and is very sweet and loving unless she sees another dog or any little animal. She goes crazy and barks and appears to be panicking. I wish I could take her to the dog parks, but, alas I am too afraid. Last summer, I took her to a dog park and she got herself so worked up that she was hyperventilating. No more dog parks. I wish there was something that would help her calm down when she sees a squirrel, dog, rabbit, bird…..I have just come to accept that is not a good thing for her and love her as she is.
hello. I’m hopping you might have some tips. I have a 5 year old female american bulldog who behaves perfectly at home and is entirely submissive to me / lives to please (she hates being told off). I rescued an 18 month of female frenchie 6 weeks ago. She had recently been spayed. The dogs play together which is great. My bullie is SO gentle – she submits and does not bite at all. My frenchie, however, is becoming more and more aggressive. There are two issues I see – 1) my bullie can see that I have accepted the frenchie and she knows I’m in charge – so she does not put the frenchie in her place (i.e. stop her when she gets too rough) and 2) because my bullie does not prevent rough play, the frenchie is getting more rough. Currently, my bullie has a number of wounds on her face and legs where the frenchie bites her hard enough to properly draw blood (she’s also sprained her leg where she tries to get out of the little one’s way and not hurt her).
I’m not sure how to stop the frenchie from being rough without stopping play and/or upsetting the bullie – if I raise my voice to the frenchie the bullie thinks she’s being told off..
Any ideas????? Thank you!
Hi there! I have two male french bulldogs- a 5.5 year old and 6 month old. They’re both very sweet, loving dogs and get along fantastically. Over the past year, our older frenchie has become more aggressive during play. We think he’s trying to protect us and gets over stimulated when interacting with other dogs. His behavior manifests as aggression and he resorts to obsessive chasing, lunging / snapping, ankle biting and humping (note: he’s neutered and the latter is out of the norm for him). This does not occur in all dog-related interactions- sometimes he’s totally fine and has no issues. It seems like the addition of a puppy has increased his aggression towards other dogs. We continue to try to socialize him and use positively reinforcement, however we are not having much success as the behaviors persist and are escalating. Has anyone had a similar experience or have advice? Thank you!
can you help my frenchie is aggressive to other dogs in the house she’s very jealous
My 4 month old frenchie will growl and bark aggressively to others while I’m holding him. (only when I’m holding him). He doesn’t want anyone approaching me. If he’s laying by me on the couch, he will do this anytime someone comes close to me.
My husband and I are having slight aggression issues with our 13 week old. He is the best boy 99% of the time, but occasionally he gets really aggressive towards us. It started with trying to put a collar on him but then we noticed it a few times when we corrected him when he was doing something wrong. He growls and tries to bite, and you can tell it’s not play! He also does it at the vet, for his vaccines.. this I can understand that more seeing as it hurts him. Any insight would be helpful on how to stop this behavior!
Positive reinforcement works wonders! When he behaves well talk to him in the “baby talk” voice and tell him he’s a good boy and maybe even a small treat. If you cheer him on when he behaves well, he will want to keep doing it
My frenchie is 14 weeks…he was also being aggressive. Growling and biting us when he had something he shouldn’t or when he was over excited and couldn’t calm down. We started doing exactly this, keeping him on a leash in the house ( easy to pull back and correct and it makes him feel less in control) and we also spray 1 time with water when he won’t stop biting after telling him verbally no bite and he won’t stop. He stops immediately when sprayed with water. He isn’t 100% better, but has come very far and we are continuing to keep him leashed.
At 13 weeks you don’t have a problem dog the problem is you go take a class or read a book on how to train a pup before the dog gets older with no direction or discipline it happens all the time the dog always gets the bad rap when it’s the owners fault
It’s called the French attitude!! My dad just got kicked out of the vet with his puppy because of it. Lol. He thinks he’s the boss you need to show him he isn’t. When he does that put him on his back using slight force if necessary because that’s there vulnerable and I give up position and they know you have power over them if they unwillingly get there. Remember dogs are usually in packs and there has to be a leader. You don’t want the dog leading trust me. If you do that fast and don’t let them get up or keep being aggressive he should stop right away and realize who’s the boss. But yes frenchies all have a little attitude in them. There a special little breed.
Honestly at 13 weeks I wouldn’t even call it aggression. Give it some time. He is just a baby. Be patient. Work with him. Give him positive reinforcement.
He’s a baby and as any little one does will try and push his luck. This behaviour is perfectly normal, you just have to stand your ground with him and let him know when he.s not being good. Sometimes raising your voice a bit and saying no or stop is all it takes and will eventually sink in, or even treats when he is good. Wait till he starts teething and biteing everything.
Remember a dog is part of a pack…… there is one leader in a pack….. he’s trying to be that leader. Here’s how we fixed the leader issue with one of our girls ……. When it happens….. roll him on his back hold him down(gently!!!!!) and Growl and growl close to his face. Then let him up and you walk away. Repeat it as necessary. You become the leader! Have a great day,
I would leave his collar on him so he gets used to it. Also keep a lead on him for the time being even in the house and keep him with you. Hold the leash so he does not have free roaming privileges in the house and he understands that you are mom and dad and he needs to listen. When he growls or tries to bite sprtiz him with a little water. This will hopefully surprise him and snap him out of that behavior. When it does stop praise him a lot and tell him what a good boy he is.
Use a harness not a collar. Positive reinforcement of good behavior rather than only trying to discipline him when he’s “bad”. He’s a puppy he has tons of energy so play with him. Being aggressive isn’t a bad thing you just need to shift it in a better direction.
My 3 years old female Frenchie “Baby” has two issues…she constantly licks her front legs obsessively when she pouts about something. Also will bully my chihuahua (who is very quiet and older) causing my chi to stand up to her?