Why French Bulldogs Need Life Insurance

Dogs are known to be constant companions to their owners. They are so lovable and compassionate that the owners slowly turn into their parents and treat them as children rather than an animal. As the attachment with the furry wonders grows, the humans get more paranoid about bad things happening to their dogs. But don’t worry its normal. Especially when we take our Frenchie to doctor and receive first bill. Veterinarian prices are high, that is why we should consider having a life insurance for our French bulldog.

A Sneak Peek into the Lives of French Bulldogs

French bulldogs are a purebred that is most liked amidst the bulldog variety. Since they originate from France, they are undoubtedly high maintenance pets and relatively expensive as compared to their counterparts.

These bulldogs are known to be highly adaptable and friendly in contrast to the bulldogs who are known to be vicious and moody. They are not as obstinate as the bulldogs and can be well-groomed to grow into a well-behaved dog. They have a very distinctly colored, soft coat, which is a crucial feature in their appearance. Due to all the notable features of this breed, they are a popular choice for many pet lovers and with good reason.

Not only do they make good watchdogs, but they also function well as the friendly neighborhood dog. They are not hyperactive and do not require a big space to move around and hence can be easily kept in a medium-sized house. So even if you do not have a backyard, you can easily cater to their needs.

Causes of Unplanned and Unavoidable Intervention

French bulldogs are also prone to various illnesses and problems due to their vulnerability and underlying issues. As per the data obtained from the Orthopaedic Foundation for Animals (OFA), the French variants of the bulldogs are highly prone to various bone disorders like Dysplasia, Intervertebral disc disorders, vertebrae issues, uncharacteristic bending of the spine, etc.

It is highly unfortunate to see them struggling with such grave illnesses and symptoms such as shortness of breath, flatulence, snoring, undesirable drooling, etc. The health issues faced by them are disconcerting, and a matter of concern for the pet parents since their favorite pet is detrimental to their growth and development. 

Nobody can watch their pets in pain and get severely affected by the situation. In such cases, they cannot stay away from various service providers who offer lucrative plans for the health and treatment of the Frenchie. Though these plans seem to be beneficial and worthwhile, it is always necessary to analyze and assess the benefits fully before going in for a plan or a scheme. Many of these plans are tailor-made to cater to the needs of the dogs and vary from one breed to another.

Facts Why Insurance is Must Have for French bulldogs

Some interesting facts:

  • Americans spent $15 billion on veterinary care in 2014
  • 1 in 3 pets will require unexpected veterinary care this year
  • Every 6 seconds, a pet parent faces a veterinary bill of $3,000 or more
  • Pet insurance protects your best friend and your budget
  • You can’t put a price on unconditional love. But you can budget for it.

In the case of French Bulldogs, an insurance scheme is a wise decision since it not only helps them but is a massive sigh of relief for the pet parents as well. In anxious situations, the plans provide the much-needed comfort of either hospitalization or other vet provided services.

The best way to find a good insurance scheme is by reading our article about insurance companies comparison here.

Why French bulldogs must have Life insurance

Why Choose Petplan?

Here is why PetPlan is one of the most popular pet Insurance companies in USA and UK:

  • Full coverage for chronic + hereditary conditions
  • Fast, no-hassle claims
  • Up to 100% reimbursement of vet bills
  • Coverage for specialized treatments + alternative therapies
  • 30-day money-back guarantee

PetPlan is a highly successful and popular scheme chosen by people because of the plethora of benefits provided by the scheme. It is an all-inclusive plan providing extensive coverage to the dog and benefits offered on various options provided in the clinic.

The curators of the plan are animal lovers themselves and certainly count pets as blessings. They know about the importance of timely care and support in times of need.

The advantages of the plan can be listed as follows:

  1. Maximum coverage with maximized benefits and minimum risks involved.
  2. Extremely flexible layout with a high success rate recorded as a statistic.
  3. No bias is engaged and even though other plans have the drawback of an age limit for the dog being insured. 
  4. The benefits of the plan are available to all pets irrespective of their age and size.
  5. The coverage is for life for real and not merely a claim. There are no terms and conditions involved in the plan, which can hamper the welfare of the pet.
  6. There is no cancellation of the policy even if their health deteriorates later on or their age increases.

Here’s how Petplan Works:

It works like any other insurance scheme and has the below-mentioned steps to be followed in tandem:

  1. The first and foremost step is the filing process wherein the claim needs to be filed for the procedure, respectively. It can be surgical involving hospitalization or non-surgical as well, depending upon the intensity of the issue. Once the claim is filed by filling out the appropriate form either manually or electronically needs to be done immediately so that no time is lost in providing the necessary care to the caregiver.
  2. Next, approach a frequently visited veterinarian clinic and let the vet know of their condition. Once the vet observes and analyses the state, the vet will be in a better situation to tell about the problem at hand.
  3. As the claim gets approved, keep a watch out for the reimbursement of the money. Since the plan is like any other insurance scheme, you need to pay upfront and will then, in turn, receive the full amount in the wallet feature, which can be accessed through the mobile application software.
Learn More

In summary, after a close overview of the pet insurance scheme – Petplan, do your research well and talk to the existing customers taking into consideration their feedback and opinion. 

You and your dog deserves Petplan, so go ahead and choose it for your good.

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